Quiz 4 - (Part-2)

1 / 13

Translation (अनुवाद)

क्या वे कल जा रहे हैं? 

2 / 13

Translation (अनुवाद)

क्या टेबल ठीक हो गई है?

3 / 13

Translation (अनुवाद)

मैं नाव चला रहा हूं |

4 / 13

______ the room free right now ?

5 / 13

Yes, we _______ heading home.

6 / 13

No, I ______ not studying.

7 / 13

She ______ studying Hindi.

8 / 13

______ you writing a book ?

9 / 13

“Are” is used before the subject when asking a question.

10 / 13

For plural pronouns “is” is used.

11 / 13

“Am” can be used for multiple pronouns.

12 / 13

Verb 4 (Verb+ing) is used with “is.”

13 / 13

Identify which sentences are correct. (पहचानें कि कौन से वाक्य सही हैं।)

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